Uncover New Buyers who stop by your website

Over 98% of your site visitors today remain anonymous. SiteStop by Kwanzoo turns 100s of visitors into instant leads complete with business email, mobile and LinkedIn URL

14-Day POC (Free)
Kwanzoo Customer Logos

The Only AI Platform that Identifies the Real Buyers that visited, and Not Just Companies

We give you their entire buyer journey through your site too! Get your SDRs engaging with the real prospects who stopped by your site with personalized messages.

14-Day POC (Free)

Current ABM & Visitor ID tools only track Companies.

We track Real People

Connect with the Right Buyer

Discover anonymous companies visiting your website; we will find 100s to 1000s of the right buyers identified directly on your website.

14-Day POC (Free)

Find leads, even if they didn't submit a form

De-anonymizes the visitor to a complete profile with full PII (Name, Email, Mobile, LinkedIn), allowing you to engage in sales conversation both digitally and directly. 

*You can also stack on existing account resolution providers to consolidate the data into a single usable stream of identified buyers.

14-Day POC (Free)

Integrate with your MAP and CRM Tools

Integrate with your preferred marketing automation platform, such as Marketo, Hubspot, Pardot, Zoho, ActiveCampaign, others. Connect through those MAP tools to Salesforce, Hubspot, Microsoft Dynamics, other CRMs. Action the leads through Salesloft, Outreach, LinkedIn Sales Nav, and other leading sales execution  platforms. 

14-Day POC (Free)
quotesArtboard 1 copy 2

Kwanzoo's unique tech is uncovering 100s of leads directly on our website every month, with full contact info and buyer journeys. That's rich data and insights for our SDRs. Over 80% of our pipeline has net new buyers that we wouldn't have seen without Kwanzoo.

Doyle Irvin

Marketing Backbone Project Manager, WordPress VIP

Compliance & Security

Compliance Standards


  • How many Leads can SiteStop generate for our use?

    The total number of leads generated each month depends directly on your monthly site traffic from USA visitors. SiteStop works best for B2B companies with 3,000 or more monthly unique visitors. 

    Our unique buyer identity resolution tech will convert up to 30% of your USA site traffic into Leads for Sales follow-up. 

  • What lead information does SiteStop by Kwanzoo deliver?

    You can configure SiteStop to deliver:

    • B2B leads (*first name, *last name, *work email, *company name, *title, LinkedIn URL, mobile)
    • B2C leads (*first name, *last name, *personal email, gender, age range, income)
    • Plain Email leads (*emails only)

    Leads can be accessed:

    • Via daily triggered emails (with attached CSV files)
    • Through direct integration into your marketing automation platform (MAP). We would write the leads daily for automated routing to your Sales and SDR teams.
    • Via daily delivery of CSV leads files into an AWS S3 bucket (for other automation processes).

    All leads include:

    • "Recently Visited Pages": the three most recently visited pages by the buyer on your website
    • The most recent visit date and time
  • Can I customize lead filters in SiteStop by Kwanzoo to only receive B2B leads matching my Ideal Customer Profile (ICP)?

     Certainly! You to specify the types of leads you would want (B2B, B2C, Plain Email), the specific website pages where you want leads. 

    You can additionally mark specific leads as High Value and upload an Account Based Marketing (ABM) list of ICP accounts. 

    Leads will be marked as part of the ICP if applicable.  You can set a monthly budget cap.  You can additionly pre-authorize a recharge fee amount, additional leads will be delivered from the recharge fees available. 

  • Do leads from my Monthly Subscription or Recharge fees roll over?

    No, leads from Monthly Subscription fees don't roll over, so it's best to use them in the same month. However, Recharge fees do roll over month-to-month as long as your subscription is active. 

    Unused Recharge fees can be used in the following month(s), prioritizing Monthly Subscription fees first. 

    If Recharge fees are exhausted, lead delivery pauses until your renewal date, unless additional Recharge fees are authorized.

  • Which marketing automation (MAP) integrations are supported? What if we use a different MAP or Email platform?

    We support direct integration with Hubspot, Marketo, Pardot, Eloqua, ActiveCampaign, and Zoho. For other platforms, you can download leads in CSV format from our daily email and then load and act on them in your chosen system.

  • What's included in the 14-Day POC (Free) of SiteStop by Kwanzoo?

    • Review all leads: see total available leads with a breakdown (B2B, B2C, plain emails). Get full information on all available leads during the trial.
    • Upgrade options: choose from a range of pay-per-lead annual plans, depending on your website traffic volume of USA visitors. We will provide you with an estimated lead volume by month.  You can choose to receive leads via email or sync them into your Marketing Automation platform depending on your subscription tier. You can also set your lead recharge amount on top of your monthly subscription amount so you are covered for peak lead volume  that you want to be able to receive and action in any month. 

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